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Empowering Women Through Community: An Exclusive Interview with Szabina Tomán

Jun 20, 2024

We interviewed one of our ambassadors, Szabina Tomán, the founder and CEO of Tomán Lifestyle Kft., about entrepreneurial life, the situation of  female entrepreneurs, and the importance of family and professional balance.

When and why did you decide to start your own business?

After the birth of my first daughter, I wasn't satisfied with myself, and I felt the need for a change. I was looking for a diet that would allow me to live healthily without starving. During this time, the idea came to me that I could share this lifestyle with others through a business. The idea quickly turned into reality, and I created Tomán Diet Lifestyle. When establishing my company, the main goal was to create a diet program that is customised and truly helps people adopt a healthier lifestyle.

What challenges did you face at the beginning?

I didn't encounter any problems when starting the business. The first challenges arose when I had to build an organization from the business, especially in terms of human resources. It was during this period that I realised how important community and professional support are for the success of a business.

Who inspires you every day? What advice would you give on choosing a role model?

I seek inspiration everywhere, paying close attention to female examples that have been less highlighted so far. I believe that everyone carries unique stories and experiences that can be inspiring to others.

What role does the community play in your business?

The community plays an extremely important role in my life and my business. "Together is easier." This is our slogan, which has been confirmed many times over the years, as women's careers and lives have changed when switching to a healthier diet.

The success of businesses is closely intertwined with the community behind them. That's why I actively participate in mentorship programs where I not only share knowledge and experience with participants but also contribute to building a stable ecosystem.

“The success of businesses is closely intertwined with the community behind them. That's why I actively participate in mentorship programs where I not only share knowledge and experience with participants but also contribute to building a stable ecosystem.”

What were your first major successes?

I experienced my first sense of success when I realised that with the growth of my company, it's not shameful to ask for help, and involving external support and expertise can pave the way for success.

What decisions and steps helped you achieve your goals?

My entrepreneurial journey taught me that my decisions have a tremendous impact, since I ultimately have to make all the decisions by myself. Despite situations where I needed external assistance, I make my decisions based on my knowledge, experience, and intuition. Having to increase the size of my organisation from three to twenty was one of my first major career decisions.

Have you had a failure that you're glad happened because you learned from it?

Every failure and mistake taught a lesson. If I could go back in time to change my mistakes, I wouldn't, because then I wouldn't be the same Szabina who can make decisions about the future with these mistakes behind her. Breaking down the details of mistakes is crucial to understanding where we went wrong and not making the same mistakes next time. I can apply these lessons to future challenges.

“Every failure and mistake taught a lesson. If I could go back in time to change my mistakes, I wouldn't, because then I wouldn't be the same Szabina who can make decisions about the future with these mistakes behind her.”

What do you fear most?

The uncertainties of recent years, including economic crises and fluctuating exchange rates, have prepared me to react confidently to unexpected situations, therefore I look to the future with courage.

How have you changed personally and professionally since starting your business?

I founded my company in 2015, and since then, many things have changed in my life. I think the biggest change in me is in making decisions and increasingly being able to say no, as this helps me set my own boundaries.

Where is the balance between mother, wife, and entrepreneurial roles? When should you say no?

I believe it's important for female entrepreneurs to find the right balance between professional success and maternal joys. This often involves setting boundaries, which men should also help with.

What are the key issues to address at the policy level to strengthen the role of female entrepreneurs?

As a female entrepreneur, I consider this issue particularly important and do everything I can to inspire other women to dare to dream and act. The inequality between men, their male employers, and women and their female employers must be approached from a family perspective.

Family support can bring about long-term changes that benefit female workers. It's important that both the mother and her employer, as well as the father and his employer, take financial responsibility. We can refine the differences by actively involving both the father and his employer in this process. This creates more equal conditions both in starting a family and in the workplace.

“The inequality between men, their male employers, and women and their female employers must be approached from a family perspective.”

What message would you give to female entrepreneurs who are just starting out on their journey?

I would tell female entrepreneurs to start. Believe in your project, as often this belief will be what helps you overcome difficulties.