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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Ecosystem spotlight

Sep 14, 2023

To take strides forward, you must first assess your current position

That’s how our meta-analysis concept was born in the Womenture project.. In a concerted effort to empower and uplift female entrepreneurs, the consortium partners embarked on an extensive regional exploration. Through meticulous surveys and in-depth research, about the ecosystems of Czech, Hungary, Germany, and Estonia.

But what is the mission behind it?

To unearth the challenges that often hinder the progress of women in entrepreneurship and craft innovative solutions within the expansive canvas of the Womenture project. As the findings unveil, these four diverse landscapes share common hurdles - challenges that transcend borders and cultures. From breaking down stereotypes and boosting self-confidence to navigating the labyrinth of limited access to funding, the journey unfolds with a backdrop of missing connections and a dearth of role models. The narrative also journeys into the realms of decision-makers, addressing questions of work-life balance, familial responsibilities, and the quest for national-level support. Alongside, the spotlight shines on the critical issue of inadequate data collection.

Join us as we navigate this intriguing landscape through our blog posts summarising our meta analysis, seeking to catalyse change and empower women on their entrepreneurial journeys.

The consortium initiated from the standpoint as Tímea Végh (head of operation and co-owner at Design Terminal) said:

“Eastern and western Europe have completely different economic histories, therefore the development and the socio-cultural background of the entrepreneurial scene differs too, but during our initial meetings we came to the conclusion that all countries face the same challenges regarding the under-representation of female entrepreneurs.”

The partners were using local statistics, survey and also organised in-person meetups to deep dive into the personal perspective of the research.

Do you let circumstances hold you back?

Check our report summaries to unlock your potential.

Summary about Hungary
Summary about Czech
Summary about Estonia
Summary about Germany